The new year has brought with it multiple algorithm changes from many social media platforms. We have put together a list of some articles that we found discussing those changes in various social media algorithms and what this means for marketers. In addition, we have some articles on influencer marketing, social media tactics that are often overlooked, and how to drive engagement by combining SEO and CRO.
Facebook Zero: The Changing News Feed and What Marketers Need to Know:
Facebook has announced changes to its news feed algorithm in order to produce more meaningful. person-to-person content. Although this may be good for Facebook users, it is not good news for marketers because it means less public posts from businesses and brands. This article informs marketers how to deal with this change and how they can still get their content visible on Facebook.
Should SEOs & Content Marketers Play the Social Networks’ “Stay-On-Our-Site Algorithms? – Whiteboard Friday:
This article focuses on the approach some social media sites are optimizing so that users are not sent to external sources. This involves favoring content that is on their own site and limiting links to external pages. This edition of Moz’s Whiteboard Friday discusses the pros and cons of this approach on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Read the article for more details.
Combining SEO and CRO to Drive Engagement: #SEMrushchat:
Digital marketers got together to discuss the optimization of engagement through combining SEO and CRO. This article poses 6 possible questions and supplies detailed answers to each. These questions include topics such as; what issues can hold you back, what to focus on to increase your conversion rates, how CRO and SEO are related, what metrics to focus on, what might scare users, and how to increase the rate of conversion.
8 Overlooked Social Media Tactics that Can Increase Conversion Rates:
This article challenges you to change your current social media strategy to increase your conversion rates. Although your current strategy may work, your results may be somewhat stagnant or your impact may have leveled off. Here are 8 tactics that can help you improve your social media routine and increase conversion rates.
In 2018 Influencer Marketing is About Driving Sales:
Influencer marketing has increasingly become one of the most used and beneficial marketing tactics. Social media plays a large role in consumer buying, and by using an influential figure it is a great way to increase sales. This article discusses the importance of this way of marketing and obstacles to overcome in 2018.
Let us help you with all of your social media marketing needs. Contact Robb Digital today. We would love to work with you!