a cartoon doctor with a thought bubble of social media terms

The Doctor of Social Media

You’re not alone if all of the medical data on the internet makes you cringe. Invalid claims and opinions are all over the internet…well, it’s a good thing you can do something about it. You are a doctor, right? Doctor up the internet! In this blog, we are going to give you a few tips on how you can expand your presence online and become a Social Media Doctor. Doctors belong on social media to create clarification for all of the patients that are being misinformed and fed alarmingly wrong information.

Create Social Media Platforms:

Create a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Yes, all of your patients are most likely on one of these platforms. Start by sharing content and letting your audience know how educated you are. Take the next step by finding conversations and answering people’s questions.

Create a Local Facebook Group:

Create a Facebook group and invite other local physicians to join. This group act as a hub for patients to get their questions answered by physicians in real-time! You can create a huge positive impression on your audience that builds lasting relationships. You will likely see some of these patients showing up at your office, knowing that they can count on you!

Start a Hashtag:

If you have completed step one now you should start a hashtag on your Twitter account. For example, if you start a hashtag #localdoctorinNJ you can engage with users that pay attention to this hashtag. Not only that, you can create a social community with other doctors in NJ and create a cluster of tweets using this hashtag. You are essentially filtering your information and allowing your content to be more discoverable.

Optimize your Website or Create One:

The first question here is do you currently have a website? If not, why not? As we talked about earlier, so many patients are turning to the internet to gather more medical information. Creating content and having a website allows patients to find you and see what your practice has to offer. If you do have a website, optimize it! Write blogs and share your content! The more content you have, the more Google will like your site! As we said in the beginning, cringe-worthy data is already out there reaching your patients! Show them that your practice knows what they are talking about with the best knowledge and information that you can provide to them!

So don’t you agree it is time to doctor up your online presence? If you are not yet convinced, take a look at this quote from The Self  “Social media has taught me that doctors need to be flexible and capable of relating to the changing environment. If physicians do not adapt to new technology and ways of doing things, they will be surpassed by their younger and more flexible colleagues, who may know how to better utilize social media.” Scary right?!

The marketing world is evolving and so is the way your patients navigate it! Get hip to the latest marketing trends. Contact Robb Digital today!

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