Happy (almost) New Year! This last blog of the weekly digital marketing series for 2017 will help you fine-tune your digital marketing skills for 2018. From simply proofreading your content to raising your click-through rate, these posts will guide you to create your own digital marketing plans or will help you fine-tune your current digital marketing strategies.
SEO Glossary: 200+ Terms & Definitions You Need to Know
Every once in a while, we all need a little refresher. So here is a nice list of SEO terms and their definitions. SEO has its own set of terms and abbreviations that we often forget or get confused with, so this is a good list to bookmark for your future SEO use.
Four Tips for Using Video Content in Social Media
Video content has nearly taken over social media and is a huge trend in the market. So if you haven’t already, you may want to start playing around with it. With the popularity of video-based platforms, it is definitely a good tool to keep in the back of your mind. Here are four ways of using video content in social media.
12 Digital Marketing Experts Share Their Marketing Home Run of 2017
This post outlines some digital marketing “home runs” of 2017 from some marketing experts. From YouTube ads to Instagram stories, these marketers share their success stories to help you develop and improve upon your own marketing strategies in 2018.
11 Battle-Tested Ways to Raise Your SEO Click-Through Rate
Want to boost your CTR? This infographic provides some simple steps for you to follow, with easy-to-understand and fun graphics. Follow these outlined steps to improve your CTR on Google search results and ultimately crush your SEO game.
4 Proofreading Tools to Improve Your Content
We heard it all through school, and now here it is again: proofread, proofread, proofread. Nothing can be more distracting, or discrediting than a minor grammar or spelling error, so here are some tools you can use to double-check everything from social media posts and blogs, to even emails you send out. We don’t want to be like Rachel Green on Friends with her “excellent computer skills.”
Contact us today if you have any questions regarding your digital marketing strategies. Robb Digital is here to help you with all of your online needs.
Happy New Year!