the best of digital marketing from around the web

The Best Of Digital Marketing From Around the Web 10-20-2017

Its finally Friday– the weekend and the Best of Digital Marketing from Around the Web is here! Robb Digital has gathered the best blogs for you to continue to make your business the best it can be. This week learn how to keep prospects from ignoring you, increase newsletter subscribers, buy domains, and market to millennials.

3 Ways to Keep Prospects From Ignoring You

Getting leads is not an easy task for marketers. Converting a lead to a final sale is difficult because reaching them in the first place is already a long process. It’s important to find the perfect balance of reaching out to encourage them to buy, while not invading their privacy and being perceived as annoying or desperate. Check this blog out to learn how to maintain balance while thinking outside of the box to keep prospects form ignoring you.

A Guide for Buying Domains

Starting an online business or looking to add additional domains to your profile raises the question of how much you should be spending on a domain. Domains are unique, and many times companies discover their company has already been taken and is unavailable or is listed for a hefty price. This blog will teach you the next steps to take if you encounter this issue.

5 Strategies That Will Really Grow Your Instagram Audience

Instagram user growth is on the rise with its fun, user-friendly posting and interaction options. Brands and public personalities rely heavily on Instagram to promote their products and services. Don’t miss out on utilizing Instagram to its full advantage and check out how to expand your Instagram audience.

The Ultimate Guide to Millennial Marketing

Millennials are a diverse audience. Their demographics, hobbies, and values are a wide-range, making them the largest percentage of the U.S. population and the hardest group to market to. However, this doesn’t make them an impossible audience. Its crucial to invest time and money into understanding how millennials work. This blog offers insights on the latest data on millennials to inform your marketing efforts.  

How Influencer Marketing Can Pump Up Your Content Strategy

Influencer marketing – the strategy of marketing to select group of individuals, such as consultants, bloggers, or industry analysts who influence your buyer’s decisions – is proven to be an effective campaign strategy. Taking the time to discover influencer relationships and nurture them to build your brand’s credibility is important. This strategy can help you move prospects down the buyer’s journey more quickly. This blog will show you how influencers can really pump the impact of your content marketing strategy, and explain how their contributions to content on your site, sharing your content, or writing about your products on their site can make your business flourish.  

Robb Digital is dedicated to helping you expand your business and make it the best it can be. Contact us today to learn more about how we can improve your digital marketing strategy through Social MediaWeb DesignInternet AdvertisingEmail Marketing and more.

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