As the great Bob Dylan once said, “the times they are a-changin”, and that rings true today more than ever. In recent months, businesses across the world have been forced to make calculated decisions regarding their business strategies and objectives. Some have been forced to change their business models entirely in hopes of maintaining the same levels of productivity and profit. Having a thoroughly planned out digital marketing strategy during these times is crucial for the success of any business because it opens the door to new opportunities, leads, and sales – all of which are needed if your business wants to stay afloat. The following articles highlight how other businesses are changing their strategies and discuss ways in which you can make positive changes to your own business. Robb Digital knows more than anyone these times can be tough and that is why we want to supply our readers with this valuable information in hopes it may be relevant to you and others alike.
How To Reduce Digital Marketing Costs and Increase Effectiveness
The goal of any business is to find a way to decrease expenses while simultaneously increasing their overall effectiveness. Particularly for smaller businesses, discovering a way to do this and do it well, could make a world of difference and ultimately be what sets you apart from others. In this article Phil Laboon, a successful entrepreneur and CEO, discusses the three ways businesses, specifically small to medium-sized, can reduce their costs while increasing effectiveness and performance.
Accelerated Digital Marketing Trends That Will Have A Lasting Impact
Due to the increasing changes in the environmental, political, and economic landscape, businesses must learn to think outside of the box for new ways to meet old objectives. We have all heard the phrase, “the new normal”, and it is important for businesses to recognize the changes and capitalize on them as soon as possible. Read more to learn how you can take advantage of these new trends to positively impact your own business.
Majority Of Chains Call Local-Digital Marketing An ‘Untapped Opportunity’
We are all aware of the increasing importance of digital marketing and the power it has to completely rejuvenate a business’s brand in the eyes of the consumer. What we may fail to realize, however, is how crucial local-digital marketing can be for bigger household names as well as smaller businesses. Home Depot, Macy’s, and Walmart are just a few of the big-box retailers who are putting a higher value on local-digital marketing in the near future. Keep reading to learn why they are jumping on the bandwagon and why you should too.
What Gets You Through Market Challenges? Your Brand
There is nothing more powerful than a strong brand and for businesses, the time is now to make brand awareness a high priority. Due to the current landscape, consumer spending is being recognized by many as unpredictable as consumers are showing signs of buying less and saving more. This article highlights the importance of brand awareness and how you can increase brand loyalty among your customers.
Measuring Success: How To Key In On Meaningful Digital Marketing KPIs
As technology continues to make its way into every aspect of our lives, it can also become one of those things we tend to take for granted. In the 21st century and technological age, everything is quantifiable and measurable. For businesses, KPIs are a fantastic source of information but it is important to be able to recognize what you’re looking at and what is relevant to you and your business. This article discusses how the only KPIs worth having, are the ones with meaning. Keep reading to find out what that means for you.
Need help with improving your digital marketing content or interested in learning what Robb Digital can do for you? Contact us today!